Perhaps, you’ve been inspired by success stories of coaches and students, who end up losing a few pounds in a short span of time. And then you gave it your all. You hardly miss going to the gym daily and then changed your diet. Also, you reduced the intake of sugar and alcohol. All these lifestyle changes happened at once.
Over time, the positive effects of working out and eating healthy food begin to manifest. You wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and have no trouble saying “no, thank you” to that colourful piece of chocolate.
Few weeks in, you begin to feel deprived and lose interest in many of these activities. Slowly, you start to crawl back to your old ways of doing things. You tend to miss yoga classes more often, perhaps due to busy schedules. And when you get home after a tiring day, you feel too tired to prepare yourself a healthy meal.
Keeping up with healthy living habits can be overwhelming, especially if you are doing it wrong. This is because you made a lot of lifestyle changes at once. It doesn’t work that way. If you are looking to living a healthy life, start small. Create small, doable habits – things that you can easily adopt into your lifestyle without thinking about it. Don’t rush into things. Start with one healthy habit, until it’s already a part of you and then adopt the next one.
Healthy Changes to Make Now
Your guide to healthy living begins with the following tips.
1. Use Herbs and Spices
Your first step to healthy living probably starts with what you eat. Adding herbs and spices to your meals is one of the best ways to lead a good, long healthy life. Herbs contain antioxidants and other nutrients that protect your health. More so, these seasonings can serve as an alternative for salt and sugar in recipes without sacrificing the flavour. Eating foods with chilli peppers will help you cut down on excess fat.
2. Take a Walk
Take a walk every morning. There are lots of many health benefits to this, especially in a green environment. In addition to the positive effects of physical activity, taking a walk in the park not only allow you breathe in fresh quality air but also exposes your skin to sunlight, which is a good source of Vitamin D.
3. Exercise Daily
Working out at the gym every day can reduce the signs of aging. This includes improving lean muscle and eyesight and well as reducing cholesterol among others. So if you are a strong proponent of healthy living, then you know the significance of hitting the gym on a daily basis. 10 – 20 minutes of exercise daily can make a significant difference. Even if you can’t go to the gym, turn up your radio and start dancing. Ride a bike to work or spin a hula hoop. No matter how much time you spend working out, it adds up.
4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
If you have sleepless nights, try relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation. Alternatively, you can eat a small bedtime snack of food, which will help your body relax and get in ready for sleep. Examples of bedtime snacks include whole grain cereal with milk or oatmeal. Another option is to make your room darker.
5. Ditch the Supplements
It is important to note that supplements are not a perfect substitute for a good diet. Even though many experts in the industry recommend taking supplements, evaluate each supplement carefully. A lot of supplements on the market have been associated with several health risks, including cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. Other supplements react with medications and compete unfavourably with other nutrients in the body.
6. Opt For Good Nutrition
Eating a healthy balanced diet can form the bases of healthy living. Changing your diet can be an overwhelming task, only if you decide to do it at once. Start small and take things one after the other. Setting small, attainable goals can make the transition process a lot easier for you. Go to the grocery store, buy healthy food choices, and keep them refrigerated. Start eating them one at a time. Over time, healthy food choices will become a part of you. However, it is important that you get rid of whatever junks left in your fridge but don’t do this overnight. Changing your nutrition is a gradual process. Otherwise, you will get fed up in the end.
7. Quit Few Unhealthy Habits
Asides changing your diet to a more healthy option make changes to your unhealthy habits. If you are addicted to smoking, drugs, or alcohol, reduce intake or stop it completely. If you can’t do this on your own, you can join a support group to walk you through this journey. Check with your doctor for advice on how to quit. Keep in mind that you can’t quit at once. Instead, take it slowly. Make short term goals, like, “I am going to take just 2 sticks of cigarettes per day”. If you can do this, then you’re one step ahead.
8. Drink a Glass of Water First Thing in the Morning
Are you in the habit of drinking coffee first thing in the morning? If yes, then try to replace coffee with a simple glass of water. Water helps to keep the balance of fluids in your body system. If you don’t like the feeling of drinking just water alone in the morning, then spice things up a bit by adding lemon juice. This will help improve your immune system and boost the digestive system.
9. Keep Your Hands Clean
Keeping your hands clean at all times is health advice that many people don’t take seriously. But unknowingly to many, washing your hands can save your life and prevent some health complications. Sadly, only a few people spend at least 30 seconds washing their hands thoroughly, using soap and water. This simple practice reduces the risk of health complications emanating from infections and germ after sneezing and using the toilet. This often overlooked health advice can make a significant difference in your health.