Rattan Furniture Fairy Discount Code


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Save Up to 20% off on Selected Rattan Dining Sets

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15% off on sitewide items at Rattan Furniture Fairy


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Rattan Bar Sets from £1099


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Rattan Furniture Fairy starting just £499


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Rattan Garden Corner Sofa Sets from £929


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Outdoor Fabric Sets starting from £219


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More About Rattan Furniture Fairy

What is the best thing about our interior? The curtains? Furniture? Or furniture coverings? If we are passionate about quality fashion and bespoke design covers, Rattan is the place for us. With thousands of creations, Rattan specialises in sewing covers with high-end fabrics that will help us keep our sofas, chairs, and armchairs looking superior and quality throughout the passing of time. Using sophisticated fabric and materials, they will help us fix our damaged or lacklustre furniture covering in minimal downtime.

The company is a fashion-forward brand that has changed the dynamics of the industry by way of introducing pieces that create a unique look for the modern home. After a long day at work, we are truly happy about settling in. The creative and innovative designs are conscientiously made to define our style and class. More so, the eco-friendly company uses energy-saving techniques that are important to preserve the environment. All the fabrics, accessories, and design covers are made with washable fabrics and more than 150 prints and colours—all containing 100% natural material. And if we want to know what they will look like in our home, we get to view 5 different samples for free.

For our mattress cover, furniture legs, daybed covers, and Rattan-inspired pieces, there is no limit to what we will find. When we shop with more than £50, we get free shipping in the UK.