A number of articles uphold the essence of clean water. Nonetheless, there are countless ways in which humans contaminate potable water. Much has been said about the need to conserve water. But more people seem to forget that preservation is as important as the subject of pollution. There are many ways to condemn the environment and water pollution is one of them. Meanwhile, there are simple and proven ways to minimize pollutants and the act itself.
The wrong perception that harmful waste pollutants would dissolve inside water after discharge is a probable cause. Presently, there are numerous manufacturing companies that discharge industrial waste into sea life – killing the organisms and rendering the water harmful for use. As for oil spills, this class of hydrocarbon waste has even greater environmental consequences. What you must know is that these forms of pollutants would never decompose in centuries to come.
Desperate times require desperate measures. Individually or collectively, water pollution is deserving of a quick action to salvage what is left of the environment. Hence, some methods of reducing water pollution in the home include;
1. Never pour fat or grease in the drainage
A form of solid waste is fat and grease. Rather than dispose of fat into the drain, you can keep them in fat jars along with cooking oil. Within the pipes, they may clog over time and reduce the efficiency of water disposal. The chief beginning of water pollution is in the home. Therefore, you’ll be helping the environment by reducing the amount of waste that your kitchen produces. You may substitute regular cooking oils for vegetable alternatives.
2. Eat Organic
Organic foods are less synthetic food alternatives. Your choice of meals contributes greatly to environmental quality – from the fertilizers used in farming to the fuel that powers the means of transportation, and the fuel that powers the heavy machinery on the farms. Without a doubt, you can curb chemical pollution by eating more organic foods.
3. Avoid piling up plastic containers
Plastic bags and rings are non-reusable. Those packs of beverages on the shelves of stores contribute immensely to the pollutions in the seas and lakes. For instance, plastic bottles will not decompose in water for decades unending. A cheaper and effective alternative is to purchase reusable cloth or plastic bags. In the home, you can use insulated bottles to keep drinks and fluids in the home.
4. Reduce the use of chemicals
A lush garden or lawn is the pride of a homeowner. Behind the beauty of a green lawn are molecules of pesticides and fertilizers, firmly holding the roots of the grass together. Over a period of time, these fertilizers run off the lawns to join larger bodies of water especially when it rains. Henceforth, choose landscaping whose growth adapts to your climate. In every location, there are attractive shrubs that require little to no chemical aid. You will save on water and spend less to nurture the plants.
5. Dispose of toxic chemicals through smarter ways
Strong chemicals such as ammonia, paint, and bleach are serious threats to marine life and water bodies. While regular household cleaners aren’t as bad, it becomes a health concern when there are millions of people combining their toxic chemicals in drains every month. Since household chemicals are often necessary for the home, you may want to adopt proper disposal methods. Did you know that you can recycle many household chemicals? A collective method is to have a recycling center in every community. Then, each household can dump their wastes for recycling or proper disposal in allocated dumpsites.
6. Dispose of medical waste in better ways
It is wrong to dump medicines in ponds or flush them down the toilet. After some time, the drugs accumulate in bodies of water and in some sea animals. While the animals may be ingested by humans that hunt them, other people may consume such waters; causing serious health problems in the long run.
7. Reduce the consumption of meat
Yes, it seems conventional. But breeding animals requires huge amounts of water for feeding. Put simply, solid waste and antibiotics from animals pile up in rivers and other water bodies.
8. Check your drainage
Cellar drains collect wastes from different households and dump them into sewer pipes in town. Across households, there are a collection of biological wastes and cleaning detergents that can wreak havoc to the municipality. In case you do not know where your cellar drains collect wastes, you can check the pollution control department in your city.
The best march against water pollution is the collective type. You can seek out charity organizations in your state that actively contributes to the cause. Some organizations ask for yearly donations and such amounts always go a long way in anti-pollution campaigns. And when you cannot afford donations, you can volunteer for the:
• Planting of trees
• Collecting leftover chemicals
• Cleaning up local rivers